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How to control the temperature of your home efficiently in the summer

There is no denying it, the summer heat has arrived to stay! Therefore, Gestilar would like to offer you some tips on how to effectively maintain a comfortable temperature inside your home during this time of the year.

Tips on how to keep your home cool

Take note and follow this advice on how to keep your home cool without exorbitant energy bills and avoiding the feared (and harmful) sudden changes in temperature:

- Did you know that the recommended temperature of the air conditioning in a home is between 24 and 26 degrees?

Don’t forget that the primary aim is to achieve a comfortable cool environment to compensate the fierce heat outside rather than an excessively cold environment. If you choose to use the air-conditioning, programme it so it reaches the above-mentioned temperature, and if possible, activate the automatic temperature control. This way, when the correct temperature is reached, it will switch off to avoid unnecessary financial and energy expenditure.

- Shade, the best heat insulation.

Depending on the orientation of your home, some rooms will have more sunlight at certain times of the day, causing the temperature inside to rise. Be aware of this and close the blinds or curtains or consider installing an awning to shade the window from the sun.

If you have a garden (as discussed last week about the use of vegetation in bio-climatic homes), planting a tree or devising a kind of natural awning with plants could be an ideal solution, providing shade as well as adorning the outside of your home.

Make use of drafts to reduce the temperature in your home by up to 3ºC.

Open the windows and doors on opposite sides of your house to encourage what is frequently called “cross-ventilation”, so that the fresh air can circulate around the house enabling the coolest areas and the warmer areas to “communicate” with each other.

Switch off electrical equipment, which can heat up the environment and check that the lighting in your home is LED.

Computers and tablets can give off tremendous amounts of heat, causing the apparent room temperature to increase. Likewise, it is advisable not to switch on domestic appliances unless absolutely necessary at peak times, such as the washing machine, dishwasher or oven. It is also recommended that you swap conventional light bulbs with LED lighting or cold lighting. If this is not possible, keep them turned off as much as possible and make maximum use of daylight.

As you can see, when trying to keep your home cool, every small step counts. It you have any tips please share them with us!
